Doug and Nancy Hastad Hall

卡罗尔最新的学术大楼,道格和南希·哈斯德大厅,于1月10日星期五落成. 2018年12月12日,迎来了春季学期的第一批学生. The building, which is LEED Silver certified, houses the nursing, 物理/工程和运动科学课程以及为其他学术教室需求提供空间. In May 2019, Hastad Hall earned a U.S. Green Building Council Wisconsin Award of Excellence in the “Innovative Design, New Construction” category. The building also won a 人民选择 award from the council during voting in June.
Interior classroom in Hastad Hall


Doug and Nancy Hastad Hall的教室和实验室配备了最先进的技术和设备. 该建筑还拥有沃克夏首批绿色屋顶之一.



建筑的顶层是一个明亮,通风的空间,看起来像一个现代化的医院. 它拥有五个模拟房间,配备最先进的医疗模型(包括分娩套房)和毗邻的控制/观察室, a central lecture space, debriefing pods and a large examination room, equipped with 10 hospital beds and 10 examination tables.

“这个新空间为我们的护理专业学生提供了一个更方便、功能更齐全的学习体验,根据博士的说法. Jamie Hansen, interim 椅子 of the department of nursing. “我们可以在这里模拟真实的医院环境,为我们的学生提供很棒的体验.额外的空间也意味着卡罗尔护理专业的学生可以更容易地进入实验室空间来练习关键技能.

护理设施体现了卡罗尔在护理教育方面的卓越承诺. In 2017, 78名学生毕业于博天堂官方入口登陆登录护理学学士学位,这些学生中的每一位都在第一次尝试时通过了NCLEX(国家委员会执照考试)考试. That accomplishment ranks the nursing program as the best in the state of Wisconsin from April-September 2017. 该项目在全国1899个项目中排名第一.

Bucyrus Center for Applied Physics and Engineering

Doug and Nancy Hastad Hall的低层是Bucyrus应用物理与工程中心. Facilities on that floor include:

  • General physics laboratory
  • Applied physics laboratory
  • Advanced physics classroom
  • Physics research room

Exercise Science Laboratories

建筑的下层还设有两个最先进的运动科学实验室,用于处方和研究学习. 运动科学项目的学生在哈斯德大厅和甘菲尔德体育馆实验室工作,同时测试运动员和进行研究. 在这些设施之间,学生使用以下设备:

  • Pasco force plates (2)
  • Kistler force plates (3)
  • In-ground Bertec jump force plate
  • Matrix full squat racks with Olympic lifting platforms (2)
  • Eleiko barbells, weights, and squat stands
  • Kairos Strength isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) rack
  • Noraxon surface EMG
  • 推带(10)
  • Exxentric kBox four flywheel devices (2)
  • Quark CPET metabolic carts (2)
  • Brower timing gates
  • Dashr定时门
  • Qualisys 3D motion capture system
  • 肌肉测试仪

Multi-use Classrooms and Study Spaces

该建筑的特色是带有传统礼堂式座位的演讲厅或用于协作学习的模块化座位区和计算机实验室. The rooms range from 2,500 to 1,300平方英尺,可容纳100到60名学生. All rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art technology. 建筑的每一层都为学生提供了一个方便的学习空间.

Hastad Hall exterior
Students studying in Hastad Hall
Nursing students in Hastad Hall
Students in classroom in Hastad Hall
Students studying in Hastad Hall

About Doug and Nancy Hastad

Nancy and Doug Hastad portrait

Doug and Nancy Hastad Hall is named in honor of Carroll's 14th 总统,博士. Doug Hastad, and Nancy Hastad. 哈斯塔德于2006年开始在卡罗尔任职,并于2017年退休. 教育在塑造道格和南希的个人生活和职业生涯中发挥了重要作用. 在明尼苏达州穆尔黑德的康考迪亚学院获得本科学位后., in 1971 and 1972 respectively, they both became educators. 哈斯塔德校长在高等教育领域的职业生涯跨越了许多角色. These included faculty, 椅子, 迪安, 教务长和, prior to coming to Carroll, serving as chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

During President Hastad's tenure, Carroll University was transformed in many ways: record enrollment; strengthened community relationships; new undergraduate and graduate programs; new academic buildings and athletic facilities; and an enviably strong financial position. 哈斯塔德校长鼓励校园里的每个人“让事情变得比发现时更好”." He and Nancy put those words into action every day. 通过他们在我们社区的积极参与和志愿服务, they set an example for us all.

这对先锋夫妇打开了沃基莎和密尔沃基社区内外的大门,并建立了伙伴关系. 在一起, 他们促进了卓越的教学和学习环境,推动卡罗尔前进, 将其定位为未来的增长和创新,并以其作为威斯康星州第一所高等教育机构的持久遗产为基础. Through their leadership and example, 道格和南希·哈斯德重振了卡罗尔对其使命的承诺, and enhanced its ethos of respect, integrity and stewardship.


Doug and Nancy Hastad Hall是一个多阶段项目的第二阶段,该项目包括建造 Michael and Mary Jaharis Science Laboratories (opened in fall of 2016) and the renovation of Rankin Hall (opened in fall of 2018). 整个项目都将重点放在我们的首要任务上, and a key element of the university's strategic plan, “提高学术质量,强化学生核心教育体验”."

Plans for the improvements came at a time when space was of necessity; nearly two-thirds of Carroll students major in the sciences. 这所大学在健康和医学科学领域尤其强大,对护理领域的课程有着前所未有的需求, physician assistant studies, 物理治疗, 公共卫生, psychology and exercise science/physiology.

Funding for Doug and Nancy Hastad Hall

Two challenge grants were issued for the building, including a $1 million challenge grant provided by two trustees, Joseph Zvesper ’76 and Timothy Sullivan ’75, which helped fund project costs. 除了, 大密尔沃基基金会的比塞勒斯基金会发放了100万美元的挑战赠款. 该挑战赛的资金被指定用于Bucyrus应用物理与工程中心. 如果你愿意捐款支持道格和南希·哈斯德·霍尔, 选择“其他”作为你的礼物名称,然后输入“哈斯达大厅”.

Give to Doug and Nancy Hastad Hall

History of the Building Site

Doug and Nancy Hastad Hall现在所在的地方曾经属于Lowry Hall, which was named for alumnus and former trustee, 詹姆斯·科尔(J.K.)洛瑞. Lowry Hall of Science was dedicated on October 22, 1949 to recognize his tremendous service, love and loyalty to Carroll. The building originally housed laboratories, lecture rooms and offices for chemistry and physics programs. Lowry Hall于2016年8月被夷为平地,为Doug和Nancy Hastad Hall腾出空间.

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